Butterfly Family Wellness is here to help family's obtain the information and assistance to create a healthy environment fostering healthy fitness and food environments.
Current TrendsBased on NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) data
- Adults ages 20 -74 prevalence of obesity increased from 15% (1976-1980) to 32.9% (2003-2004)
- Children ages 2-5 prevalence increased from 5% (1976-1980) to 13% (2003-2004)
- Children ages 6 -11 prevalence increased from 6.5% (1976-1980) to 18.8% (2003-2004)
- Children ages 12-19 prevalence increased from 5% (1976-1980) to 17.4% (2003-2004)
- Too many calories in
- Too few calories out